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How Older Women Can Help Keep Their Skin Looking Youthful

/ / Beauty

The passage of the years will always leave their mark on your complexion, but there’s plenty you can do to slow the process down. There’s no need to rely on dubious miracle creams and potions though. This article outlines six simple tips you can use in daily life to keep your skin looking youthful, healthy, and beautiful.

No one can stop the years from passing. Despite what some over-excitable advertisements might say, there’s no miracle solution for aging to be found in a tub of expensive skin cream. However, taking care of yourself makes a huge difference in how young and fresh your complexion looks, especially for older ladies. Here are six simple tips to help keep your skin supple, clear of lines, and filled with a youthful glow.

Take Care in the Sun

A healthy tan may look great, but everyone by now is fully aware of the dangers of too much sun. This only becomes more important as the years pass and your skin becomes less supple. Any damage caused by overexposure will be longer lasting, leading to leathery skin texture and even brown liver spots.

There’s no need to hide away indoors, but be extra careful about applying sunscreen whenever you’re headed outside, even on only average sunny days.

Take it Easy with Makeup

Makeup can make life difficult for your skin. It blocks the pores and stops your skin from “breathing,” while the daily routine of application and removal puts your skin under stress and makes it less resilient. Try and reduce your use of makeup where possible. And try switching to milder products aimed at people with sensitive skin or allergies.

Use Natural Creams

As well as using gentler makeup, make sure the other cosmetics products you use are all as natural as possible, from moisturizers to cleansing lotions. Older skin is more prone to rashes and other reactions, so try to reduce the use of chemicals whenever you can.


Adopting a regular exfoliating routine will clear away impurities and dead cells from your skin, leaving your complexion looking fresher and feeling suppler. For best results, use a homemade facial scrub made by mixing together a teaspoon of sugar, a couple of drops of water, and a splash or two of your favorite essential oil.

Watch Your Diet

One of the best defenses against aging is a healthy diet filled with fresh ingredients. Avoid fatty fast foods that can prompt acne—inflammation is harder to control as you age and will do more damage. Foods high in vitamins E and C, such as fresh fruit and nuts, help to improve suppleness. While vitamin K, as found in dark leafy greens, helps to reduce inflammation, spider veins, and blotches.

Stay Hydrated

Drier skin is more likely to flake and crack and, over time, will also gain deeper-set lines and wrinkles. Avoid this by keeping your skin thoroughly hydrated at all times. Drink plenty of water, cut back on coffee and alcohol, and use moisturizing cream every evening before bed. Also, don’t think that dehydration is only a problem in the warm summer months; the harsh winds of winter combined with excessive indoor heating can take a heavy toll too.

Older-looking skin is an inevitable result of time, but you can significantly slow down the process by taking proper care of your complexion. There are no miracles to be found in expensive wonder creams, but treating your skin well will give it the strength to withstand the stresses that daily life throws at it.

How Older Women Can Help Keep Their Skin Looking Youthful
Article Name
How Older Women Can Help Keep Their Skin Looking Youthful
The passage of the years will always leave their mark on your complexion, but there’s plenty you can do to slow the process down. There’s no need to rely on dubious miracle creams and potions though. This article outlines six... simple tips you can use in daily life to keep your skin looking youthful, healthy, and beautiful.
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Nutrients Solutions®
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