Wellness Demystified: We Can Help You Discover Optimum Health

Wellness Demystified: We Can Help You Discover Optimum Health

White willow bark is the ancestor of acetylsalicylic acid, which is the active ingredient in aspirin. It's synthesized from the salicin found in white willow bark, which is a compound shown to have anti-inflammatory and pain killing effects. White willow

Yucca is an ancient food that has been grown and consumed by various subtropical populations since the dawn of human agriculture. It boasts an impressive slew of nutrients and medicinal plant compounds that have been studied in labs and clinical

Collagen is a structural protein that plays a role in building hair, skin, bones, and cartilage. Collagen production in the body declines with age, which means you have to supplement with collagen to maintain the same levels as you had

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient the body must attain from food or supplementation. It has incredible healing abilities for skin and hair, and its antioxidant properties help protect the body from disease. Vitamin E is shown to protect your

Vitamin K1 is critical for bone health, blood clotting, heart health, and brain health. Studies show it reduces mortality rates due to its role in the prevention of serious diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Meanwhile, deficiency has the opposite

Vitamin B2, also commonly called riboflavin, is an essential nutrient that maintains physiological processes such as energy production. It is available in food and as a supplement, and researchers have conducted studies to determine the specific health benefits associated with

Vitamin B3, or niacin, is a nutrient found in many foods that serves vital functions in the body. In high doses, it's used as medicine to help with high cholesterol, heart disease, and arthritis. Whereas deficiency causes mental health problems,

Vitamin B5 is used clinically to treat high cholesterol, chronic skin conditions, acne and rheumatoid arthritis. You can also supplement with it to boost athletic performance and recovery time. Vitamin B5 works wonders by metabolizing cholesterol, increasing oxygen uptake and

Selenium is a mineral and antioxidant that serves many key functions in the body. It helps bolster your immune system, supports your brain and even fights aging. By reducing inflammation, neutralizing free radicals and stimulating the production of important immune

Molybdenum is an essential trace mineral, which means your body requires it in small amounts and can only obtain it from food. Because not all soils have sufficient amounts of molybdenum, supplementation is necessary to avoid health risks associated with

Goji berries are dubbed a "superfood" because they're nutrient-dense and known to promote an overall feeling of well-being. Research shows they play a preventative role in diseases, including Alzheimer's, diabetes and heart disease. Goji berries are a potent source of

Many researchers have shown an interest in the health benefits of pomegranate. This article explores the recent research with pomegranate. Numerous research-backed benefits, such as blood pressure reduction, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and relief of muscle soreness are discussed in

The reishi mushroom, known as "Lingzhi" or "mushroom of immortality" in Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an edible fungus gaining popularity for its numerous medicinal qualities. It works to correct imbalances in immune function, and as a result helps with allergies,

Acai, a fruit native to the rainforests of South America, is a nutrient powerhouse containing plant compounds that can play a role in disease prevention. The berries of the acai palm tree contain healthy fats, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals,

Ashwagandha is a stress reliever, brain booster, energizer and aphrodisiac. It's been widely studied and used in Ayurveda, which is India's traditional medicinal system. Medical research has confirmed its therapeutic benefits for a wide range of applications, from treating chronic

Cranberries are rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols, and other healing properties such as salicylic acid and ursolic acid. They're also a great source of vitamin C, B vitamins, and vitamin K, as well as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium,

Black cherries are the sweet variety of cherries, but they're much more than delicious; they're packed with nutrients and flavonoids (plant pigments) that promote health in every cell of your body. Besides being a source of vitamins and minerals, black

Elderberry is used in herbal medicine, and people believe that it has a variety of health-promoting properties. Scientists have conducted research to determine the specific benefits that this medicinal plant possesses. This article describes in detail the proven health benefits

The Graviola tree produces leaves that can be used as a medicinal compound that can be effective for relieving many different health problems. Soursop leaves are still being studied to analyze the many components that make it an effective traditional

Carnosine is found in the muscles, brain, and heart. Some people take a carnosine supplement to improve their health. The improvement of brain health and cognitive functioning is one potential benefit of carnosine, and researchers have conducted studies to determine